Monday, April 27, 2020

Topic Sentences Introduce the Subject of a Section

Topic Sentences Introduce the Subject of a SectionA Topic Sentence is a statement that announces what a section of a paper is about. It can also be the answer to a question posed in the introduction.The reason for this seems obvious, but there are many reasons why they are used. Many essays are submitted by students who have no idea where the question or statement will be addressed in the essay. This leaves the essay writer with the choice of either the use of a statement that announces the topic, or a question for the author to answer in the body of the essay.An example of a statement that announces a topic is 'This topic relates to whatever I was just about to say.' Another one would be 'This topic pertains to my recent research paper.' You will note that these two sentences are both framed around the same one question.If you make a comment in the paragraph header about the first sentence of the first paragraph, it is hard to miss that it is announcing the topic for the entire pape r. In a similar vein, if the introductory paragraph discusses an objective, be sure that you do not leave out the statement 'or it's a bit different in the next paragraph' at the end of the paragraph.A topic sentence that announces the subject of a section is also known as a 'topic sentence'. Many college students will also use a topic sentence as an answer to a question. A good example of this would be 'This topic pertains to...' in response to a question such as 'What is the topic of my next paper?'The truth is that different subjects, like animals and other subjects like computers or different subject matter can all have the same topic. In fact, many people claim that it is actually a literary convention to begin a paragraph with a topic sentence. It's always an easy way to start your writing without going overboard and jumping all over the place.This is an interesting thing, but there is more to a topic sentence than you may think. Remember that topic sentences are merely an ann ouncement about the topic of a topic, it doesn't necessarily mean that the subject matter is the only interesting thing about the topic. However, if you want to have an effective essay, make sure you give the reader some things to think about.

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